Preparing Your RV For Emergencies

Traveling in your recreational vehicle is a rewarding way to see the country and experience new places and things. But have you thought about ways in which your RV could serve your family? In an emergency, like a natural disaster, it’s good to have a plan to escape the area quickly. And your RV is a perfect home-away-from-home, stocked with everything you’ll need to live for days or weeks comfortably until it’s safe to return home!

Obviously, we don’t want forest fires, tsunamis or other disasters to happen, but it’s good to plan ahead just in case. We want to make sure that you can use your RV as a temporary home on a moment’s notice, so we’ve jotted down these tips for preparing your RV for emergencies.

Make a Plan

First things first: you’ll need to make an emergency plan. Figure out where you’ll go, whether that’s a family member or friend’s house in another town a few hours away or a convenient campground that you’re familiar with. If you need to make a reservation, do so as soon as possible, so that you have a campsite when you need it. Don’t wait until it’s too late! You should be ready to dry camp, though, so make sure you have water and power sources at the ready.

Keep Your RV Well-Maintained

Make sure that you keep your RV in good condition at all times. You can make this easier by staying on top of regular maintenance tasks like oil changes, tire pressure checks, slide-out lubrication, washing and inspecting plumbing and electrical systems. Address any problems you discover as soon as possible so that you don’t have a broken-down RV when you need it to be in good shape for hours of travel.

Pack Emergency Supplies

You’ll want to keep your RV stocked with the usual supplies, like linens, towels, kitchenware, toiletries and cleaning tools. However, for an emergency, it’s wise to add some propane, plenty of nonperishable food, bottled water, toiletries, a hatchet, fire extinguishers, an emergency hand-crank radio, a solar charger for phones, flashlights, a repair kit, a spare tire and anything else you think you may need. Warm clothing and blankets are also good to have, as well as having everyone put some extra clothes and shoes in a duffle bag on the RV just in case you need to leave in a hurry.

For more information or to explore RVs for sale, visit Byerly RV. We are an RV dealership located in Eureka, Missouri.

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