After a long trip out on the open road, your RV may be looking a bit grubby both inside and out. While the mess may seem a bit overwhelming at first glance, getting your RV back in pristine shape is as easy as pie! All you need to do is follow our helpful cleaning guide below and your RV will be looking clean as a whistle in no time at all.
Cleaning the Interior
The first thing you’ll want to tackle when cleaning your RV is the clutter! To begin, we recommend grabbing a trash bag, suitcase, and laundry hamper to quickly sort through all of your items. Items that need to go back into the house can be tossed into your suitcase, dirty laundry goes in the hamper, and any garbage or perishable items that you find will be put in the trash.
Once you’ve got your clutter under control, you can give your RV’s floors a quick sweep or vacuum, then focus on important areas such as the kitchen and bathroom. Both of these areas have the potential to attract pests or grow mold, so it’s important that you clean them thoroughly with a disinfectant cleanser and allow them to fully air dry before putting your RV in storage.
Cleaning the Exterior
Now that your interior is clean, it’s time to move on to your RV’s dirty exterior. To start, we recommend giving your model a good scrub from top to bottom with an automotive soap and sponge. Afterward, open all the windows and doors on your rig to air out any lingering smells or leftover fumes from chemical cleaners or bleach. While your RV dries, take the time to dump and clean your model’s various tanks.
Still searching for the perfect RV to take you on your next long trip out of town? Then come visit Byerly RV in Eureka, MO to find exactly what you’re looking for! We offer a massive selection of RVs for you to browse through, as well as expert staff to help answer questions, make suggestions, and assist you throughout the buying process.